Logo de Icube SA à Bulle

Assess the risks

Responsible risk management avoids accidents, injuries and costs related to the stoppage of people and installations.

A risk assessment costs only a few thousand francs, unlike an accident or a prolonged production stoppage.

Icube carries out certified analyses in compliance with the Machinery Directive 2006/42/CE based on the norm ISO 12100:2010

The 4 reasons to carry out a security analysis or concept

  • New facilities
  • Renovation, relocation or upgrading of existing facilities
  • Accident prevention
  • Safety after an accident

Maintenance as a safety factor

According to SUVA,machine maintenance is a major cause of accidents. More than 10 people lose their lives every year during maintenance work on machines or industrial plants.

The main risks are related to inadequate work organisation and mechanical hazards.

Maintenance offer

Icube is TÃœV Nord certified and is a Rockwell partner for process implementation, control and machine safety.

With our maintenance and standby service, we are the ideal partner for the implementation of safety measures, maintenance and repair of your installations.


Does my production follows the safety guidelines?

A complete risk management process course