Logo de Icube SA à Bulle

Breweries Digitalization

Thanks to our applications and experience in automation, optimize your production and brewery management!


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Combine the best practices of craft breweries and industry

Take advantage of tried, tested and safe industrial technologies, reduce drudgery and improve your productivity while maintaining your know-how. Allowing you to concentrate on high value-added tasks while preserving your techniques is our primary mission.

Apply best practices in the use of your installation

By using your plant optimally, you improve your production efficiency and reduce your maintenance costs to a minimum.

Keep your installation up and running

A regularly checked and maintained system guarantees you a higher availability of your machines in the long term. Icube helps you plan and optimise your maintenance and can, through its after-sales services, help keep your brewery in operational condition…

Ensure the hygiene of your installation while optimizing the consumption of chemical products

Thanks to our expertise in Cleaning In Place (CIP) systems, your brewery will meet the highest standards of hygiene. Automated control allows you to use only the quantities of products strictly necessary for cleaning.

Ensure regularity of production

By following your production data as closely as possible and by choosing to entrust us with the automation of your installation, you ensure greater reproducibility of your production.

Easily analyze your production data and deduce corrective actions from it

Our EVA application allows you to collect and analyze your production data in detail and over time. You can then compare these measurements with the quality of the finished product in order to deduce the best way to produce.

Be alerted in case of an anomaly during production

Your production data will constantly be confronted with thresholds that you have defined to guarantee the optimal quality of your products. If these thresholds are exceeded, you are alerted and can take corrective action.

Integrate your production data with your management software

Take full advantage of the availability of your production data by linking it to your business applications. There are numerous scenarios available to you in the areas of resource and inventory management, sales, accounting and other areas.

Increase the availability of your installation

Based on the analysis of a large volume of data, artificial intelligence programs can perform predictive diagnostics, allowing you to keep your facility up and running.

Guarantee the quality and traceability of your products

Digitalize and automate the data entry on your production sheets. You will save precious time, avoid data entry errors and improve the quality of your products by combining this data with EVA data.

100% developed in Switzerland. Hosting on Icube or client servers, with the possibility of hosting in Switzerland.

Our solutions for breweries:

With EVA, monitor and analyze your production

Fabricube, votre application de suivi de production 

Discover our case studies