Logo de Icube SA à Bulle

Automate recurring, tedious, costly tasks

The first step on your road is to ensure the reproducibility and quality of your production. The programming of the manufacturing steps avoids human errors and allows you to concentrate the work of your employees on the tasks with the highest added value. A part of the repetitive and tedious actions is carried out by automation, which reduces the physical impact on your employees. ICUBE integrates all types of PLCs and masters all the fields related to automation: pneumatic, electrical, mechanical, programming, regulation and schematics.

Reduce production time

Manual steps are often the ones that cause a loss of production efficiency, these latencies are erased by automation, which allows tasks to be completed more quickly, without downtime. Starting production before working hours or finishing it after is also one of the promises made by automation. ICUBE offers to base its services on time and resource saving metrics.

Optimizing resource consumption

The consistency provided by automation is the basis for controlling and anticipating production costs. As production is carried out more quickly, it requires less energy consumption. Automation systems are highly accurate and enable real-time calculation, measurement and action, so that raw materials and other resources are consumed precisely. ICUBE offers its expertise to help you define the best possible installation and programming of your PLCs.

Securing the employees’ environment

The overwhelming majority of accidents at work are related to poor handling or incorrect actions. Automating production also means delegating the most dangerous tasks to the machines and thus preventing accidents. We offer you a quality service, by mastering the legal and technical aspects, while being pragmatic to ensure productivity and cost control. We guide you in the choice of the measures to be implemented in order to make the risk acceptable. In addition, our annual maintenance service allows us to detect anomalies likely to affect the safety of operations and people.