Logo de Icube SA à Bulle

Discover our team

Who are we? What do we do?


Bastien Despont
Head of Automation
Bastien Despont manages the company with his brother Frederic. He is also the head of our automation department. Legend has it that he has climbed every mountain in French-speaking Switzerland at least once.
Frédéric Despont
Head of Digital
Frédéric Despont leads the company and particularly our Digital team, which develops our software. He was born with the Agile manifesto in one hand and a ski pole in the other.
Delivery Manager and B.I. Specialist
Tristan is our Delivery Manager and B.I. Specialist. If he is not busy enjoying a craft beer halfway up a mountain you will probably find him playing with a spreadsheet or dashboard.
Automation Project Manager
David is, among other things, our expert in dairy design. He is so good at finding simple technical solutions in complicated contexts that some people think he uses magic...
Design and development engineer
Martin takes care of the technical support of our software infrastructure and also develops new features. He types as fast on his keyboard as he does on his drums.
Technical administrative assistant
All of ICUBE's projects pass through Véronique's hands at one time or another. She needs 6 phones to be able to record the contacts of all her interlocutors.
Jerome comes to learn the trade, but beware, at ICUBE the cabinets are goldsmiths!
Sales Manager
Joel only sleeps well when his clients are fully satisfied. Fortunately, with our great team, he never gets insomnia!
Support and IT technician
Dominique built a pinball machine from scratch for his kids, just for fun. That's how much he touches everything.
Automation Project Manager
Maxime pilots automation projects while accompanying his 4 ladies at home, we all think he has the gift of ubiquity.
Automation Project Manager
Maxime keeps his bees in step with his drum, so imagine how well structured his automaton code is.
Automation technician
Nina organizes her interventions at clients' homes as well as her ski camps with the children, all are pampered!
Design and development engineer
Thomas pilots and designs IT solutions for our clients. No functionality is beyond him!
Design and development engineer
Jacques is our expert in the integration between physical systems and software. He could connect the Moleson to your phone if you asked him nicely.
Automation Project Manager
Bastien handles our automation projects like he returns tennis balls, with strength and determination.
Design and development engineer
Cédric mainly develops new features for our Fabricube software. All the GAFA want to hire him but he prefers to stay at ICUBE.
Automation Technician
Dan keeps our facilities operational and commissions new automation projects. Our customers don't see much of him because he fixes things faster than his shadow.
Automation Project Manager
Philippe manages automation projects in many sectors. He is so comfortable programming Siemens that you would think he invented the brand.
Apprentice in Automation
Guillaume learns the trade from our automaticians who affectionately call him "Padawan". He will soon be ready to make his first lightsaber.
Dairy sales manager
Lukas is developing ICUBE's cheese business in German-speaking Switzerland. When a former manager turned apprentice cheese maker comes to work in the field of automation and digitalization, it makes sparks fly!
Senior Consultant
Armed with 28 years of Rockwell Automation experience, Claude uses his consulting activities on Process FactoryTalk and PlantPAx applications when he's not hard at work on his sailboat.
Senior Software Engineer
Yann develops new features. He feels as comfortable in the lines of code as he does in swimming lanes in the water. By the way, he cleans the code just as consistently as he pushes aside wood when swimming in Lake Gruyère.
Sales Dairy
Carried by deep faith, he talks about the manufacture of cheese and offers his customers a heavenly journey into modernity.
Quality and documentation
Geoffroy is the quality manager. You can talk to him about anything and he will listen to you attentively . However, if you want to have a talk with him about guitars, plan on at least 2 hours.
Automation engineer and project manager
Gérôme handles automation projects like he rides his windsurfing board: with skill and balance.
Senior Software Engineer
Julien develops software. He writes code like he breathes. In a quiet room, you might hear him whispering code like poetry.
Software Engineer
Naël, our little AI genius, is developing new features for our software, while sporting a tan marked by his ski goggles almost all year round.
Software developer
A computer software developer with a remarkable common-sense philosophy, Diana is also a passionate explorer of her many interests, which range from computing to vegan culinary specialties.